I only have limited internet so I'll only put a little here. I miss Australia muchly and can't believe I don't go back for so much longer. It's currently 8.30 in the morning which means all my australian friends are asleep as its still 6am there.
We went snorkelling here and the coral and fish are absolutely gorgeous. Got to swim amongst multiple schools of fish and see ones that I've never even imagined. It was amazing. We've also done lots of beach volleyball and walking through the sand and up the hill to a wonderful view.
I definatley reccomend to anyone wanting to go somewhere to chill out, somewhere to have an amazing time without having crowds of people around, go to Malolo island in Fiji. You will love it.
I've tried desperatley to avoid facebook but so far hasnt worked. And now I have to run for more beach fun. Miss you all!

Tan lines, silly memories, summer loving songs, I'm thinking so far all I see and feel is perfection.
11 days till I leave, I shall try to post on here of my out-of-Australia adventures but for now I shall depart to start to pack, and get ready for a Christmas party.
It's all happening,
And summer truley is magic :)
I'm not sure where I was but someone offered me some weed, and I took it. I then dreamt of hallucinations and finding another joint on the ground, smoking it and continuing with hallucinations.
I wish I could remember what they were, I only remember some sort of creature with the head of a red horse and two other creatures standing beside it.
If only I knew how to interpret my dreams....
It makes me wish that in school I had done Media, or that my future could involve something such as this. Although my path is set and unfortunatly I have to put the idea of dancing in my future, however painfully, behind me.
Fourteen years of incorporating something I so completely dearly loved into every part of my day is coming to an end. I wish that I could somehow create a future out of this, do something that people could look at and say, I knew her, I'm proud of her. I guess I can just hope for this in my other love, writing.
However, it seems that this path is also dim and unlikely.
But I can wish, I can dream.
I plan on spending the next ten years of my life, however poor it may make me, living the life i've dreamed, or atleast chasing my dreams
I guess after I've done that I can begin to be sensible. Or atleast... have some sense, if not, I know I will have lived happy and with no regrets. Regrets are for those who are too afraid to follow their dreams, or for those inable to understand that everything happens for a reason and the places we are led to, are those that our souls should much appreciate, and learn from.
So here's a little toast;
To life, to living, to no longer being afraid and following dreams.
I hope you'll still follow me and I gallavant around the world creating havoc :)
My plan of 100 books for the summer is starting off rather slow although I'm already half way through this monster of a book I'm reading at the moment. I'll just have to read much much more often to complete the goal :)

Off to immerse myself in a world of books, where I don't have to think and remember how much I'm going to miss people next year. And how afraid I am that they'll forget me. But life moves on, and I'll always cherish the memories in my mind, and wont let go of the amazing things I never want to forget.
I love so many people; what they've done for me, what they've done with me, and how they've changed me.
They will always, always, be in my heart, no matter where I end up.
Sunday afternoon laziness in store for me now, I can cuddle up in a corner with my morning coffee and new book! Took me two months to get it because of exams and such but I finally have spare time! And I finally have the ability to read for pleasure rather then reading for school. So I plan to read at least 100 books over this summer and I shall name them all here. Although now I'm working it might be a bit hard but I'm sure that over 40 hours on planes will sort that out.
Speaking of, I shall soon be venturing off to the wonderful, beautiful, peaceful land of Canada to see some family for Christmas. Shall be amazing! As everything else is right now. Perfection seems to just erupt into life as school finishes. I can't believe I forgot how good life could be and that I let school bring me down.
:) Yay for life :)
I'm off to read no.1 book for the Summer,
1. The Desert Spear - Peter. V. Brett (2nd in a series)
Happy reading and summer loving,

"Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world"
Maybe we all just want to feel loved, and we all just want someone to care for us as much as we dream that we wish we could care for ourselves.
And perhaps, this random use of inclusive language is a strange way of my subconscious trying to seperate myself from these emotions as I'm still afraid of losing someone, of losing the amazing feelings people help us gain. Possibly that's why lately, when things start to feel so brilliant and perfect, something changes and my mind disappears into an abyss where I don't have to remember that very, very soon, this will be taken away from me. However it will be replaced with something amazing, my future. Yet I am still afraid.
Melancholy, I think so. I blame Keat's, well slightly. Such beautiful words, such ominous views on life. But then, that's simply just my viewing of it.
For now, I shall delve into the depths of my own strange mind within sleep. For later, I will work past this bump in my road and evolve, as my little Pokemon do, into a much more beautiful, confident person, understanding and accepting of my own emotions.
Whichever you choose decides your strength of spirit, and ability to survive this world.

Possibly becuase I'm a kind of spur of the moment person. If somethings appealing, I'll run to it, if I situation changes, I'll be a chameleon and adapt to it.
I love spontenaety. As long is it follows me my whole life, I will be completely happy :)\
Must run away and must study;
it never ends.

So much going on with school at the moment, it's extremely intense and everyones becoming stressed, agrivated and just completely different from their usual behaviour.
I was reading through a thought journal I kept a few months back and found some adorable pieces I wrote about a spider crawling through a flower. It was strange and so utterly different from the stories I usually write, but entertaining non-the-less.
I'm starting to really realise all the people and little things about this town that I will miss. Some of my teachers have become so amazing over this journey through year 12 that it will be like letting go of a sibling when I leave. Only four months till I go. Four days left at school. And four weeks till i'm finished with all my exams.
Exciting, terrifying, confusing. So many emotions jam packed into the little brain I hold in my head.

I want to do something to show those peole who've become dear to me this year how much I appreciate them. But it's not as simple as it sounds. I'm trying to make something for the one and only amazing literature teacher I have, I just hope that I can somehow capture what i'm trying to say without sounding childish, strange or corny.
I wish feelings in my heart would just appear on paper without me having to think of them. Figuring some things out would be so much easier then.
Well sadly... i've only been to two or three concert/gigs. Which is going to completely change next year when I'm in the saweeeeeeeeet city and rocking it out :)
But the best has to be, Oddity. Best local band :) And my mates band so maybe I'm kinda bias. But they're truley awesome, and so good to watch. I love sitting in their practices while waiting for my bus ;p
Cutest video on youtube, Don't Unplug Me.
Iunno why it's just adorable.
Kind of a slow day so not much else to add.
Kindly awaiting inspiration;

Not drunk, just tipsy, and having an absolutely hilarious time being idiots on the trampoline at my mates 18th :) I like to be energetic and kinda crazy :)

Also, this morning I got some amazing news, the folio I spent al year working on and stressing over was completely worth it! Got a mark I am oh so very happy with, this day is just getting better and better. Not sure I want to spoil it with a night of study so I'm thinking just a night of Sex and the City, tea and some books sounds perfect :)
And my happiness and pure bliss continues from now and into the night :)
Happy smiling lovers,
C ;x
i want to forget how it feels to be afraid
So to force myself to be on here every day i'm going to embark on a 30 day challenge;
stolen from the awesome http://sweetlilaaayy.blogspot.com/
Part 01; The celebrity you'de do unthinkable illegal things to;

Not that I actually watch Vampire Diaries, but Ian Somerhalder... mmm :)
Did you know, that just possibly, I'm being inspired by the sunshine?
I've begun to actually write again, reworking my novel, third time lucky.
I love my short stories so I want to use them somehow and I'm just figuring out how it works best. So far, I'm liking it, alot. 1400 words down, way too many to go.
Funny thing is though, the things I write are so dark and depressing, yet I feel so happy right now. So insanley happy that I could explode into a million colours and scatter all around the universe then come back together still smiling.
Strange? Or are things just falling perfectly into place right now?
No stress, is amazing.
C ;x
Things have been so thoroughly intense with Grease production, but I LOVE IT!
2 days till we perform. The people, the music, the dancing, the fun, the laughter, it's all just so amazing and every day everyone is inspiring me. I love the entire cast, specially our little main family. I couldnt ask for a better way to be spending my time :)
Everything is so exciting and thrilling lately. Sent in my uni application, now I just have to apply for my courses (after Grease is finished) and hope I get in.
It's awfully strange to think how fast my life has gone by and how soon I'll be escaping to the big bad world on my own, writing to my hearts content, dancing through new streets and blogging new adventures.
I'm going to discover a whole new world, a place of magic. Life is magic. We all are. Living and breathing magic. It's a wonderful delight, a ravishing truth.
I can't wait to begin my adventures.
I shall be making disappearances over the next week or so. Internet is temporary being confiscated so that I can "concentrate on my studies more". Although study has become my life, second to school production that is.
So anyway, I started writing again, and it's wonderful! Though I almost forgot how it was to write something from begining to end, rather then just re writing old loves.
I'm finding it incredibly difficult to capture this worlds beauty in writing. I have an idea of exactly what I want to write. I'm just worried, that there's too much pain within it that one love story isn't enough to bring back happiness.

On another note, I have a wonderful full day rehearsal tomorow for Grease! The best part of my week is the Sunday's where I get to delve into the depths of what is Cha Cha :) Thanks to the amazing, brilliant people around me I think I'm getting there. Everyone is so helpful and wonderful! Where would I be without these beautiful people who surround me?
Speaking of beautiful, I watched Remember Me with my mum last night. We had a bit of a movie sesh, and that was so fantastic! At first I thought it would be terrible because I'm not the greatest fan of Robert Pattinson, due to sparkly fairy roles, but here he was brilliant. I've only ever cried in three movies in my life, and this is one of them. Along with Titanic and Moulin Rogue. I then went on to watch Grease with her, then a whole load more today. Started watching Notebook but I don't think I could handle that many sad movies, plus my horrific stories all in one weekend.
So all in all i've been rather lazy, but I can say it's due to saving all my energy for Grease! And for not getting sick. Goal number one!
Although I should probably head off and do some actual study. I spend the morning cleaning instead today. It is a Saturday.
Goodbye all;
Another overly awesome fantastic amazing stupendeous day!
Thursdays are my writing days, I only have free periods and English then Lit. It's rather amazing as I get to spend a whole day devoted to the one thing.
My Lit Journal, in which I record my thoughts, is starting to get ridiculously thick. Thoughts, quotes, things to remember, stories I begin to write.
It's strange though, ever since Retreat (best week ever) i've been utterly calm, and my writing has changed.
I used to write of depressing things which would bring a tear to the eye when you attempted to read but now.. it's pretty and happy. There's love in Paris, Ballrooms, Book Stores, beautiful things. When you read them you think of colours and happy things, but my old stuff, it's darkness and despair.
I think I much prefer the prettyness. Images, somehow have become my life too. I've found so much beauty through photography. It's intense. It's perfection.
Everything is perfection :)
Loving life, loving everything.
wow, i just had an amazing afternoon of Grease :)
Our school musical for the year is coming along amazingly! Got my cast tee today CHA CHA on the back, so proud! Ahh so happy to be a part of something this great and amazing.
I can't wait till opening night, the atmosphere will be brilliant.
So so so many great things to look forward to!
Parties. Friends. Fun. Performances. Dancing. Laughing. Singing. Being simply amazing
Thoroughly excited;



I can't imagine this world without the amazing people by my side. I love how there's so many people who constantly amaze me and make me happy and cherish each moment i'm alive.
I love my friends.
I love those little distractions that make you forget what you're doing.
I love nature.
I love taking photos.
I love being a poser.
I love love.
I just.. love everything!
Stay happy :)
C ;x
So much of my time is spent with my head in books, and unfortunately that's school books not reading ones, that I forget about the simple simplicities in life.
Literature class got us to start a thought journal and it opened my head up to all the things I forget. I think so many weird things, yet in the end everything I think and write down has some sort of meaning. And it sorts out my head. Puts all my ideas onto paper. And inspires me.
I was actually inspired to head outside and take photos. I never usually take photos of nature. My folio consists of only people and their sinful ways. But I looked out my window and this was just too beautiful to miss.
There's just something about it that makes me feel so calm and serene. Blissful ignorance of the rest of this ridiculously murdered world.
Dance awaits,
and I shall depart.
C ;x