I shall be making disappearances over the next week or so. Internet is temporary being confiscated so that I can "concentrate on my studies more". Although study has become my life, second to school production that is.
So anyway, I started writing again, and it's wonderful! Though I almost forgot how it was to write something from begining to end, rather then just re writing old loves.
I'm finding it incredibly difficult to capture this worlds beauty in writing. I have an idea of exactly what I want to write. I'm just worried, that there's too much pain within it that one love story isn't enough to bring back happiness.

On another note, I have a wonderful full day rehearsal tomorow for Grease! The best part of my week is the Sunday's where I get to delve into the depths of what is Cha Cha :) Thanks to the amazing, brilliant people around me I think I'm getting there. Everyone is so helpful and wonderful! Where would I be without these beautiful people who surround me?
Speaking of beautiful, I watched Remember Me with my mum last night. We had a bit of a movie sesh, and that was so fantastic! At first I thought it would be terrible because I'm not the greatest fan of Robert Pattinson, due to sparkly fairy roles, but here he was brilliant. I've only ever cried in three movies in my life, and this is one of them. Along with Titanic and Moulin Rogue. I then went on to watch Grease with her, then a whole load more today. Started watching Notebook but I don't think I could handle that many sad movies, plus my horrific stories all in one weekend.
So all in all i've been rather lazy, but I can say it's due to saving all my energy for Grease! And for not getting sick. Goal number one!
Although I should probably head off and do some actual study. I spend the morning cleaning instead today. It is a Saturday.
Goodbye all;
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