

Wow, so I went off the grid for a while. Completely not my fault :)

Things have been so thoroughly intense with Grease production, but I LOVE IT!
2 days till we perform. The people, the music, the dancing, the fun, the laughter, it's all just so amazing and every day everyone is inspiring me. I love the entire cast, specially our little main family. I couldnt ask for a better way to be spending my time :)

Everything is so exciting and thrilling lately. Sent in my uni application, now I just have to apply for my courses (after Grease is finished) and hope I get in.

It's awfully strange to think how fast my life has gone by and how soon I'll be escaping to the big bad world on my own, writing to my hearts content, dancing through new streets and blogging new adventures.
I'm going to discover a whole new world, a place of magic. Life is magic. We all are. Living and breathing magic. It's a wonderful delight, a ravishing truth.

I can't wait to begin my adventures.