

So i've noticed lately that I tend to constantly drift off into my own imagination where I create dances, create beauty, and create magic. I drift off to a place that I can only wish to be real. Today at work I managed to sit there for atleast an hour creating an entire dance music video in the mechanics working bay and in the rain. In my mind, it was beautiful, if only I could convey those images onto something that others could see, or if I could actually phyically create it.

It makes me wish that in school I had done Media, or that my future could involve something such as this. Although my path is set and unfortunatly I have to put the idea of dancing in my future, however painfully, behind me.

Fourteen years of incorporating something I so completely dearly loved into every part of my day is coming to an end. I wish that I could somehow create a future out of this, do something that people could look at and say, I knew her, I'm proud of her. I guess I can just hope for this in my other love, writing.

However, it seems that this path is also dim and unlikely.
But I can wish, I can dream.

I plan on spending the next ten years of my life, however poor it may make me, living the life i've dreamed, or atleast chasing my dreams

I guess after I've done that I can begin to be sensible. Or atleast... have some sense, if not, I know I will have lived happy and with no regrets. Regrets are for those who are too afraid to follow their dreams, or for those inable to understand that everything happens for a reason and the places we are led to, are those that our souls should much appreciate, and learn from.

So here's a little toast;

To life, to living, to no longer being afraid and following dreams.

I hope you'll still follow me and I gallavant around the world creating havoc :)


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