So much going on with school at the moment, it's extremely intense and everyones becoming stressed, agrivated and just completely different from their usual behaviour.
I was reading through a thought journal I kept a few months back and found some adorable pieces I wrote about a spider crawling through a flower. It was strange and so utterly different from the stories I usually write, but entertaining non-the-less.
I'm starting to really realise all the people and little things about this town that I will miss. Some of my teachers have become so amazing over this journey through year 12 that it will be like letting go of a sibling when I leave. Only four months till I go. Four days left at school. And four weeks till i'm finished with all my exams.
Exciting, terrifying, confusing. So many emotions jam packed into the little brain I hold in my head.

I want to do something to show those peole who've become dear to me this year how much I appreciate them. But it's not as simple as it sounds. I'm trying to make something for the one and only amazing literature teacher I have, I just hope that I can somehow capture what i'm trying to say without sounding childish, strange or corny.
I wish feelings in my heart would just appear on paper without me having to think of them. Figuring some things out would be so much easier then.
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