Possibly becuase I'm a kind of spur of the moment person. If somethings appealing, I'll run to it, if I situation changes, I'll be a chameleon and adapt to it.
I love spontenaety. As long is it follows me my whole life, I will be completely happy :)\
Must run away and must study;
it never ends.

So much going on with school at the moment, it's extremely intense and everyones becoming stressed, agrivated and just completely different from their usual behaviour.
I was reading through a thought journal I kept a few months back and found some adorable pieces I wrote about a spider crawling through a flower. It was strange and so utterly different from the stories I usually write, but entertaining non-the-less.
I'm starting to really realise all the people and little things about this town that I will miss. Some of my teachers have become so amazing over this journey through year 12 that it will be like letting go of a sibling when I leave. Only four months till I go. Four days left at school. And four weeks till i'm finished with all my exams.
Exciting, terrifying, confusing. So many emotions jam packed into the little brain I hold in my head.

I want to do something to show those peole who've become dear to me this year how much I appreciate them. But it's not as simple as it sounds. I'm trying to make something for the one and only amazing literature teacher I have, I just hope that I can somehow capture what i'm trying to say without sounding childish, strange or corny.
I wish feelings in my heart would just appear on paper without me having to think of them. Figuring some things out would be so much easier then.
Well sadly... i've only been to two or three concert/gigs. Which is going to completely change next year when I'm in the saweeeeeeeeet city and rocking it out :)
But the best has to be, Oddity. Best local band :) And my mates band so maybe I'm kinda bias. But they're truley awesome, and so good to watch. I love sitting in their practices while waiting for my bus ;p
Cutest video on youtube, Don't Unplug Me.
Iunno why it's just adorable.
Kind of a slow day so not much else to add.
Kindly awaiting inspiration;

Not drunk, just tipsy, and having an absolutely hilarious time being idiots on the trampoline at my mates 18th :) I like to be energetic and kinda crazy :)

Also, this morning I got some amazing news, the folio I spent al year working on and stressing over was completely worth it! Got a mark I am oh so very happy with, this day is just getting better and better. Not sure I want to spoil it with a night of study so I'm thinking just a night of Sex and the City, tea and some books sounds perfect :)
And my happiness and pure bliss continues from now and into the night :)
Happy smiling lovers,
C ;x
i want to forget how it feels to be afraid
So to force myself to be on here every day i'm going to embark on a 30 day challenge;
stolen from the awesome http://sweetlilaaayy.blogspot.com/
Part 01; The celebrity you'de do unthinkable illegal things to;

Not that I actually watch Vampire Diaries, but Ian Somerhalder... mmm :)
Did you know, that just possibly, I'm being inspired by the sunshine?
I've begun to actually write again, reworking my novel, third time lucky.
I love my short stories so I want to use them somehow and I'm just figuring out how it works best. So far, I'm liking it, alot. 1400 words down, way too many to go.
Funny thing is though, the things I write are so dark and depressing, yet I feel so happy right now. So insanley happy that I could explode into a million colours and scatter all around the universe then come back together still smiling.
Strange? Or are things just falling perfectly into place right now?
No stress, is amazing.
C ;x